
Cannes Future Lions Grand Prix 2024, Spotify, “Break the Sound Barrier”

Ads of the World 2024, Velveeta, “Liberate Your Love”


Syracuse University, The S.I. Newhouse School, B.S. in Advertising and Anthropology

Graduation: May 2025

Study Abroad Semester, Syracuse University Florence Center, Fall 2023


Undergraduate Research Assistant, Falk College, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, January ‘24 - present

Research how online dating has transformed post-COVID-19.

Compile sources for and write a full literature review.

Write a survey for quantitative data collection and gain IRB approval.

Strategic Communications Chair, The Newhouse School, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

Assisted selected faculty at the Newhouse School with strategic development.

Advocated for student insights, gained by conducting student interviews.

Incorporated student perspectives into improvement plans for the college.

Photography Marketing Intern, Visceral Dance Center, Chicago, IL, June - Aug ‘23

Photographed company dancers for the duration of their rehearsals.

Utilized edited photographs for email marketing and website updates.

Marketing Intern, scent lab, New York, NY, June - Aug ‘22

Managed Instagram and TikTok, posting engaging content biweekly across platforms.

Pitched social media marketing ideas to founder and CEO, Ariana Silverstro.

Contributed creative ideation to company-wide meetings for tech launches.


Copywriting, Case study scripts, Comedy writing, Creative ideation,

Non-traditional ads, Adobe Suites, In-depth research, Insights