Pink Tools Can’t Fix This

Girls Who Code

Copywriter: Molly Egan

Art Director: Cole Meredith

Main Message: Girls do not have a level playing field growing up.

Target Audience: Parents with girls aged 2-17 years old.

Insight: People believe the solution to getting more women into STEM is “painting it pink,” making the field more feminine. We can paint all the tools pink, but it won’t fix the machine – the misogynistic STEM industry.

Big Idea: Stop painting over the problem and address misogyny in the STEM field.

Print Ads: Am I supposed to be inspired by this?

Print Ad One

Print Ad Two

Print Ad Three

Outdoor: Hacking Existing Outdoor

Digital: Codeolingo

Execution Idea: Partnership with Duolingo to game-ify and simplify the process of learning a coding language to make it more digestible.


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